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our lives begin to end the day we're silent about things that matter.
-Dr. MLK


Tuesday, December 23, 2008

We live in an era of technological highs, where our views can reach so many people in a matter of seconds. It saddens me, then, to see so many people leaving hateful messages about the dreams and hopes of the disadvantaged. Many people are against the Dream Act because they believe that it would be a reward for lawbreaking. To those people I say, do your research and analyze what it really stands for. By judging based on the surface, you are displaying major ignorance. This battle is not simply over just a piece of paper, but rather the things that piece of paper represents. You see, without that piece of paper, living life is simply hard to do. You are suddenly not 100% human, as if humanity is something that can be rationed. Suddenly, your voice is harder to hear, as if expression is something to be looked down on. Your face is ripped of its defining features, as if your identity is something to be erased and forgotten. Slowly but surely, faced with rejection day by day, pieces of your being are torn away, until nothing is left but your body, now an empty shell. Tell me how do you love when love has been denied to you? How do you live when your fate rests in someone else’s hands? How do you laugh when your voice has been silenced? How do you hope when your future seems bleak at best? How do you jump, shout, play, or dance? How do you "be" when your very being is on trial?” Before you judge, take the time to read and educate yourself. Sit down with someone who can tell you what the Dream Act would mean to them and how it has affected their lives. 

To Dreamers all over the country: let your voices be heard. Do not let other peoples ignorance silence your voices!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

the broken economy or just flat out discrimination???

It's one thing to say that the economy today is in a place reminiscent of the great depression and that it is hurting us all, but it's another to say that because of that "situation" you will not be paid what you desserve no matter how hard you work. At this point I don't know what's worse, not having a job or having one where they always give you excuses so that you won't move up no matter how hard you work. It may not be deliberately stated to you, but the patterns in everyday work life crystalize the fact that who you are, where you come from, the way you look, the color of your skin, and your status has a lot to do with your position in the work ladder. All I can say is that no matter how much it bothers me (or you), that will not cause me to ever doubt myself or give up on my day, my hard work will be rewarded...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pass the Dream Act NOW!!!

To all of you reading this, join the cause and make so many dreams come true. There are so many things you can do to put a stop to the roadblock that so many young students have to face!!!

Make a change NOW!!!

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