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our lives begin to end the day we're silent about things that matter.
-Dr. MLK


Sunday, June 28, 2009

could it be???


only time will tell...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Dream Graduation Los Angeles!

hi folks! it is now 1:27 am and i am soooo tired but i couldn't go to sleep without sharing with you all the amazing experience we all had today at the DREAM GRADUATION outside of the City Hall...truly inspiring to say the least! I would like to thank everyone who came out to support us in this beautiful and just cause...THANK YOU!

my bf ♥ and I spent some time over the weekend making some posters for the marching students to carry around and they turned out to be amazing and mine was actually on the main podium!!!!!!! yay!

As soon as we got there we saw a large crowd getting ready to march around. The students looked sooo united and they had the most creative posters too! Our speakers included Kent Wong, Wendy Carillo, and Jose Huizar! They did an amazing job in touching on key points that alot of people ignore. It was also rather rewarding to see so many people come forward and tell their almost felt like family there because we could all relate and understand where these students were coming from, regardless of their cultural background. Alot of people who oppose the Dream Act generalize and believe it's only "the Mexicans" that would benefit from this piece of legislation...some people insult dreamers calling them ignorant and thieves - they claim we are stealing their culture and their rights, but really who is ignorant here? A mere 5 minutes of attendance to our event would have opened their eyes to see that nobody is stealing anything, but rather strengthening a broken society and enriching a devastated economy. Further they would have learned that it is not only "the Mexicans" that would benefit, but that there is a broader group of students including Asian, African, and Middle Eastern students to name a few....for those who were able to attend, I know you know what I mean and it was a great experince...for those of you who didn't...YOU MISSED OUT! BUT Dream Team L.A. will have more events to come! Be sure to stay tuned....


Friday, June 19, 2009

OBAMA on Immigration... we go again with the filthy dynamics of politics. The L.A. Times reported this morning that again, Obama has expressed his support for the immigration reform that more than 12 million people that are undocumented in the U.S. This is all good, but the true question is when? and how?

WHEN?!?!? What these politicians need to realize is that talk is cheap and we are all tired of waiting for something that clearly is no where in sight. In his speech, he spoke only vaguely on his support for immigration reform, but at no point did he mention a date or anything! While he has pressured congress to have something on healthcare by the fall, immigration seems to be still just a topic that comes up here and there...vague and with no foundation in the white house.

HOW?!?!?! Now Obama is supporting a notion that I find to be ridiculous and unrealistic. He said in his speech that he supports the idea of immigrants to return to their home countries and wait in "the back of the line" because he thinks it's the fair thing to do. Are you kidding me?!??! Many, if not most, of these immigrants have a life established here! The have rooted their existence in this country and most importantly, have contributed to this country vastly! THIS IS THEIR HOME COUNTRY!!! Plus, who are we kidding??!!? Once out of the U.S. it is a gamble of whether these people will EVER be granted what they deserve - their legal residency. I am by no means saying that they should legalize everyone, simply that they be more realistic and look at those people who have done something productive here in the U.S. and have had a good moral character. I fully understand the need for a tighter border control, but sending people back to countries they only have vague memories (mostly bad ones) of, that is just RIDICULOUS!!!!

With that said, ARE YOU FOR OR AGAINST OBAMA? What happened to the promise of hope?!?!? Have you forgotten that already?!?!?!?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

DREAM Graduation!!!

ok everybody, it's time to go out there and show our politicians that we are serious about our
dreams! Join Dream Team L.A. in this SUPER CRUCIAL event!!!
...come join us as we take one step closer to making our dreams a reality!!!
be sure to add us on facebook to keep updated on upcoming events as well!

Monday, June 8, 2009

you know that feeling...

...when you just can't find balance in your life? when you feel like all bad things happen and it's so hard to find the light at the end of the tunnel? yeah, well that's what I've been feeling lately. I know i've said this before but the office politics here at work just make me sick. the he said/she said dynamics and the ways in which "friendships" are formed here are just soooo political and racial!
last weekend i saw a baby kitten in the playground at the elementary school by my house. i noticed some kids were torturing the poor thing so i decided to take him away, but then realized that i was stuck in a dilemma: if i brought him home my little brother would get sick because he's allergic to cats and dogs but if i left him outside he was bound to die since he was tiny and clearly not ready to be on his own. on the other hand if i took him to the pound, he would likely be put to sleep, afterall there is an overpopulation of animals at our local shelters. i decided i would ask around to see if anyone wanted him. i tried two different people and their reactions were just sick. the first question was "what color is it?" when i said he was brownish with grey....they said nah, i like white then i said "well he's cute, and he has blue eyes". only when i said he had blue eyes did they consider taking him....but in the end, "no, it's ok. I've been looking around for a white fluffy cat". well i can say that both Chloe (the name i gave the kitty) and i apologize for not being white and meeting your standards... but then i'd be lying...we don't apologize. although lying would maybe buy me a ticket into the inner circle here in the world of politics at work...

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