Ok, I have to admit it. I am officially OBSESSED with Ne-yo! For the past couple of weeks I have been listening to his new album "year of the gentleman" and it's amazing. "Part of the List" is by far my favorite song on the album, then it's "Mad". Today I had to add this post because on my way to work I was listening to big boys neighborhood on power 106 and he was singing live - his voice is amazing even in the morning. I can honestly say his voice gives me shivers...Just thought I'd share with you guys...
P.S. When you get a chance definitely check it out!
Hey, I'm part of DreamACTivist.org and we are trying to form a "Blogging Coalition" for DREAM Act blogs. The idea for this coalition is to have all the blogs act upon news items and help with projects and campaigns by posting and getting the word out.
I looked around your blog, but I couldn't find an e-mail address. This is how we'll be connecting. I was wondering if it would be possible if you could e-mail it to me at maria@dreamactivist.org with your name (if you're comfortable sharing it, blog name, and URL so I don't get it all confused.
Please rest assured that your e-mail address will only be used to send you action alerts to post on your blog.
Thanks so much!
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