2 things in this picture that are just....what's that word?!?! oh yeah, RIDICULOUS!
1.) the lady is holding a poster that says "no amnety". Clearly she is against immigrants and clearly she has not done her homework because she is living in the amnesty era...an amnesty is not even a possibility and is NOT what ANYONE is asking for. More than likely she is one of those anti's that argues that "illegals" should learn the English language right? well i know i wouldn't want her as my teacher.... (psst lady! the word is amneSty, you're missing an S there!)
2.) the little girl on the lower left hand corner of the image is at most 3 years old. does she even know what is going on? why would these people teach kids hate at such young age!?!?!? my only hope is that she is not the "amnety" lady's daughter. honk for english?!??!? this doesn't make any sense. perhaps she wants someone who really knows english and and teach the "amnety" lady that she is missing an S!!!