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our lives begin to end the day we're silent about things that matter.
-Dr. MLK


Monday, March 30, 2009

Immigrants and the broken economy. Disneyland.

Ok, so by now you are probably thinking: what the hell do immigrants and the economy have to do with Disneyland? They have a lot to do with eachother actually. My family and I took a family trip to Disneyland yesterday. As we arrived, we read the sign that read "lot full, make U-turn and exit". Great. We knew it would be a long day with long lines and crowded walking. As it turned out, the lot was not full! It was rather empty! We ended up parking about 2 blocks away at the Garden walk lot. I still don't know why they weren't allowing guests to park in their lot, but as it turned out, the park was also pretty empty. The longest wait for a ride was Indiana Jones with a 40 minute wait. 

It was 3 o'clock. We had been there for about 5 hours when I noticed something that caught my attention. There were hardly any latinos at the park. For the most part, all guests were caucasian and Asian. I told my boyfriend that I had noticed that and that it was very weird. He looked at me as if I was an idiot. I guess I can't blame him because afterall, Disneyland is the happiest place on earth and why would ANYONE be looking at things like the guest demographics? 

Well, the reason I noticed this is because taking this trip was a tough decision. My mom had been laid off for a few weeks and the only income coming in was mine. Still, we made the trip because my little brother is a child and doesn't understand what it is to be in a financial crunch, or what a broken economy does to families and the dynamics of everyday life. Throughout the whole day I think we only saw about 10 latino families! Of course the number goes up if you include the janitors cleaning the restrooms around the park. 

Discounts and promotions at the stores also caught my attention. Of the hundreds of times I've been to Disneyland I can count on my hands how many sale/discount signs I've seen at their stores.

But why am I even writing about this? Who cares right? Well I just think it's interesting to see what the economy has done to our country. To see that the population that is looked down on is what keeps such big enterprises going. Before thousands of  "immigrants" lost their jobs Disneland was always full! No sale prices were offered because it wasn't needed to make a sale. The immigrant dollar wasn't hard to get. But now? Where have these "freeloaders" gone? I guess we are not freeloaders afterall! And even the Disney empire will soon begin to see it, if it hasn't already.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Dream Act WILL PASS!!!

Sooo, I haven't written on my blog in a looooong time but when I heard that the Dream Act will indeed be brought up in congress I knew I HAD to do my part and get the word out. If you havent heard, a campaign has been launched to petition, and in fact we have to DEMAND, that the Dream Act passes in 2009. You can go and sign the petition online!

On top of that, you can collect physical signatures and mail it in to our friends at Whatever the case may be or what may be convenient for you, we MUST get involved and make a difference. We have to make sure President Obama keeps his promise to help us out! Don't forget to tune-in to the Jay Leno show this Thursday! Hopefully he will say something about the Dream Act and Immigration Reform. The fact that he is the first President to appear on a show like this says alot. We all know late-night talk shows are known for asking the hard questions and President Obama is not afraid to face them! Let's make our voices heard.

Until soon my friends!

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