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our lives begin to end the day we're silent about things that matter.
-Dr. MLK


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dream Team LA...

...not to be confused with L.A. Dream Team! LOL JK!!! anywho, for those who (like me) have been wondering why we don't have an actual Dream Act group here in L.A., you're questions have been answered!!! Finally we have what is called the Dream Team L.A., a group that will focus on finding strategies to push government to pass immigration reform and execute those strategies! We met for the first time to begin to form what will be known as the Dream Team L.A. I am sooo excited to be a part of this group. We talked about what our short term goals are, our long term goals, and our strategies. I was mostly thrilled to see the turnout - not only the numbers but the demographics and the bond that joins us all together, which is a very strong common goal that will hopefully soon be met.

all in all, yesterday was a good meeting, a great start! I cannot wait to see what the Dream Team L.A. will become! One thing is for sure...we are here now! Stronger than ever and super pumped! This is just the beginning...

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